Machine God Thoughts
Although the historical process of the machine God seemed inevitable with an overarching technique that doesn't discriminate which civilization's owners pursuing it, it still has, I would contend, fundamental base layers that form the foundation of its birth.
Amongst these foundational layers include an insistence on a type of cloud feudalism with data maximalism, where our sovereignty is surrendered in both an epistemological and monetary sense by yielding all data in exchange for services and platforms by centralized entities that often have deep structural relationships with surveillance and intelligence apparatuses within the American empire. Similarly, another thing driving the impetus of the machine god is a decayed and corrupted sense of monetary consciousness tainted by usury, interest, hyper-financialization, rentierism and the overall intrinsic fiat properties of the Dollar-Euro system that creates certain conditions around time preference.
Another layer is the parasocial, almost parasitic ecosystems upon which most communication platforms operate on. For instance, end-to-end encryption and encryption in general is almost forbidden within the platforms and architecture of the machine god. As of now several countries are drafting legislation seeking to outlaw encryption - India is the furthest along this process if we look at self-proclaimed democracies. These are paths driven by corrupted monetary consciousness, that seeks to harvest and commodify data as a resource like oil or gas.
They are based on certain configurations within the American empire. And as the empire is global, it has spread these assumptions and baked them into the epistemic structures governing technology production far and wide, imbued with the machine god narrative.
The machine god thesis is the Hallaqian Problem (The Impossible State) taken to its logical conclusion. Its where Hallaq should have taken the argument further.
The machine god is also, I would argue, a way of understanding Sunni political eschatology. What I mean by this is to try and situate contemporaneous understandings of how the Dajal and Dajalic influence will alter the Adamic condition.
So when we mean to think of acts that can undergird Islamicate Sovereignty, that can challenge the machine-god, it means to undermine and counteract the assumptions baked into its base layers. It means to counter dataism. It means to restore some notion of digital self-sovereignty. It means to undermine cloud feudalism. Decentralised localism which is naturally congenial to Sunni sensibilities with the inherent flexibility and diversity in fiqh, tasawwuf etc. It means to enhance new forms of monetary consciousness that challenge the framework of usury. And usury itself is a powerful mechanism driving a lot of the economic incentives and reasons that are inherent within machine-god formation and cybernetic state formation.
There is a hope that if the current formation and processes within machine-god synthesis is accelerated to a frenetic pace - destroying equilibrium, it will ultimately collapse and I contend primarily due to decayed monetary consciousness (hyperinflation due to fiat death).
In the interim there should be an exploration of the possibility of deploying a new Islamicate Cosmotechnics accepting "technodiversity" in the sense Yuk Hui argues for. p2p currencies outside of the Cybernetic State will be important
If the machine god thrives it is because money itself is corrupted, because usury is a darkness that cannot sustain itself - it is war against God.
At no point is there tension with Sunni conceptions of being in the world - in fact Ghazallian tasawwuf and even some milder forms of Malamatiyya spiritual ethics lends itself intuitively to such projects.
The uncertainty and unpredictability comes on the form of what will an Islamicate Cosmotechnics look like? This cannot be planned, predicted or directed, it will emerge organically through "strangeness" (ghuraba aesthetics) through local nodes across the Ummah - yielding as of now unthought possibilities.