Heal thyself - Simplified supplementation
Before going further, and especially spending what entails sometimes 100+ USD monthly on supplements, your first goal is fixing your diet, and exercising. A lower carbohydrate diet with appropriate animal protein consumption is enough to kick-start the body machine into healing. If you try to do a very low-carb diet and feel bad (Keto flu), this means you are lacking electrolytes, add more electrolytes such as salt, magnesium, and potassium. You can also choose a soft approach, eating more carbohydrates, and adding exogenous ketones, often sold as “keto salts”.
Exercise will quite literally help most people fix most issues, including Long Covid when they achieve exercise tolerance, and so will grounding themselves. If possible, lay in the grass, or sit around nature without any electronics for 2 and a half hours per week, it will do wonders for your mind and body.
This will be the simplified, layperson approachable version of if not most, all of my suggestions on supplementation. While my focus has been SARS-CoV-2 and especially maintaining or enhancing brain function, my approach when creating this was a “complex systems” one, in that regard, it is universal because it will target primary components of our cellular function.
The primary goal of the supplementation is to limit disease severity, limit, and lower inflammation as much as possible, limit oxidative stress to the absolute maximum, and therefore limit any long-term damage, either to your metabolism, tissues (organs, muscles), or cells. It will also aid your body in recovering as many immune cells as fast as possible.
Mild SARS-CoV-2 infection → “weird” respiratory or bacterial infection → secondary respiratory infection, or fungal → Another “mild” SARS-CoV-2 infection → the cycle repeats
This is a months-long process and easily missed because very few will think a minor, mostly asymptomatic infection can produce secondary after-effects weeks down the line. In further simpler terms, it can be used to treat numerous conditions. Except for the “Below the Minimum” section, you are free to pick and choose what you think works best or you are comfortable with unless you are vaccinated with mRNA vaccines. It is the “kitchen sink” approach to recovery.
There will be different tiers and different propositions, and you are free to change, modify, or outright ignore any part of this, except the first part. As I often say, the best approach to anything in life is to “Grab what is useful, discard what isn’t”, colloquially listen to your gut has been the best piece of knowledge for thousands of years. All the science behind my suggestion is in the hundreds of articles I have written and the many hundreds of articles I cited, if you want the science behind it, feel free to use the Index to dig and maybe find good or new information =D. I will reiterate this is my approach, from my experience, from how I analyzed the (sea of) data, but it is not unique, it is not the only one. Change whatever you like or want. Many others will have different, and very valid approaches =).
Below The Minimum is exactly what looks like, this is even below the bare minimum you should take, I do not see a point in spending a lot of extra money on other supplements if you are not doing this at first.
I will interject at the end of each section to help any layperson understand the choices.
I seldom, if ever edit my articles after publishing them, but this will be one of those rare occasions. Given how I work with incredibly complex topics, sometimes what is so obvious to me I don’t think it is worth mentioning, may be not for others.
You have to add Vitamin K2 with your Vitamin D supplementation so calcium levels are maintained and calcium is used properly, and you should be assured your magnesium supplementation is up to it. The older you are, the more magnesium you need, without proper magnesium levels, your body won’t be able to properly metabolize Vitamin D.
Besides diet, just add more salt to your diet, often people improve their lives with just more salt. 5% of the global population has “sodium intolerance”, the correlation between salt and higher blood pressure. Just try it.
“Why is there no zinc ? Zinc is super important, insert arguments here”. Because people have been overdosing on zinc for 4 years now, and there are 3 things I do not want freely floating inside my body, especially my brain.
→ Calcium
→ Iron
→ Zinc
From all the problems each of these can create when present in excess, the worst is aiding neurodegeneration.
- Too much Iron outside your cells induces “Iron Death”
- Too much Calcium will trigger complex signaling, hurt your cells, and mess with amyloid, and free zinc will damage neurons, and aid in all this
- Excess Zinc outside cells can make bacteria “eat it”, and they will need extra Iron to handle that influx.
A daily dosage of a decent multivitamin lowers your chance of disease (morbidity) and death from many causes. A multivitamin will address most people's needs for other nutrients, such as the many other B vitamins, but if you have chronic infections, you may need more specific vitamins such as B12 and folic Acid combination, among the combination of other nutrients or vitamins themselves.
Almost every single person is deficient in magnesium and it is one of the most important nutrients for brain and immune health
Choline acts on many pathways. Brain (memory, cognition, “becoming smarter”), is also anti-inflammatory, affects the immune system positively, and helps the nervous system. Some people who lose the sense of smell sometimes recover by just adding Choline.
Thiamine similar to the above, directly acts on Th17 pathways, almost everyone on a high-carb diet suffers from insufficiency, almost everyone exposed to wireless signals has lower thiamine (controversial opinion), and any person with metabolic diseases, diabetes, or insulin resistance is often thiamine insufficient or thiamine deficient.
Vitamin D is paramount for body function, and recent population-wide evidence shows that 2.000 IU a day is enough to keep most diseases at bay, confounders apply. Vitamin D is one of the most important supplements one can take, there are just too many effects to list. Creatine has over 100 years of research behind it and will literally make your mitochondria and immune cells work better, and your brain smarter.
Aspirin and Activated Charcoal are “recent” additions, and it has to do with endotoxin, other toxins, and a mechanism I will write about next. Both also hit many of the pathways I have discussed so far. In this regard, this is the most important one in my opinion. Every single time you get a sniffles, just take charcoal, or the Aspirin, either is fine. Otherwise, the (very silent) road to recovery takes longer and you may be sent into a secondary infection spiral. Aspirin is one of the few compounds that actively “fixes” Endotoxic Tolerance.
The next section's title is a funny play with cycling. Meaning you have the choice to either take it non-stop, or cycle, taking each or all substances for a period of time, and going off for almost the same amount. I do suggest you stick to at the very least 6 weeks on a supplement. If you are vaccinated with mRNA, suffer from Long Covid, or have been facing a deluge of months-long “minimal but annoying sickness”, the supplementation should last months, not weeks.
Vitamin C should be a mainstay on anyone’s supplementation regimen. It often aids, or potentializes other supplements, if you choose to take Taurine or tryptophan, you should add Vitamin C, 500 mg twice a day. I use cheap effervescent C, you can use other forms if you wish, but keep in mind:
- Vitamin C has a biological cap, regardless of most forms, at 400 mg or so per 4 hours.
- If you want to “saturate” your body in case of acute sickness take roughly 500 mg every 4 hours to maximize absorption.
- Ways to bypass this are the following:
→ Intravenous Vitamin C, expensive
→ C-Salts, a form of Vitamin C that bypasses the body cap, and you can absorb large amounts without annoying side effects (the most common side-effect of too much C is diarrhea)
Melatonin has been a mainstay in my suggestions since before the pandemic, and I have talked about it so much that I don’t bother mentioning it anymore. It is the primary supplement for recovery in almost every single damage the Spike Protein induces or most other diseases. Melatonin is not just a neurotransmitter, or regulator of the “sleep-wake cycle” but a systemic hormone. Your mitochondria have melatogernic receptors and other cells, so Melatonin acts at the very start of your cell function. Melatonin is the end-product of the complex Tryptophan pathway, by using Melatonin you bypass the chaotic pathway and get the end result.
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-cancer
- Anti-ROS
- Immunomodulatory
- “Zombie cell killing”, you name a pathway I covered, Melatonin will “hit” it somehow.
Melatonin is an “Anti-Warburg effect” hormone, meaning it doesn’t let the wrong things “steal” your sugars to grow, especially potent in many types of cancers. This effect applies to different viral infections too. Healthy people may not want to use it at any dosage, but people with any sort of inflammation, especially gut dysbiosis and inflammation do very well, because, in many different ways, you are “melatonin deficient”, and deficient in most neurotransmitters.
While I take a few grams of taurine per day, and recently experts now consider it a “longevity supplement”, it is up to you to cycle or not. Similar to Melatonin, it acts on numerous pathways that promote long-term health, immune function, and others. It is now recommended for Long Covid, and I suspect some mRNA-injured may also benefit from it.
The different forms of Vitamin B3 all have different effects, with the same end effect. Raising your NAD+ levels (cell fuel). If you choose Niacin, use only the Flush type, it is far superior and non-damaging than non-flush.
NAC+Glycine (GlyNAC) is the most important aspect of my suggestions, if you have to pick only a handful, this should be there alongside Vitamin D. 1 to 1 means you take equal amounts of each, so 600 mg of NAC, you take 600 mg of Glycine. You can change NAC for Liposomal Glutathione, and it will have similar effects, I just prefer N-Acetyl-Cysteine because of its sulfuric aspect (we all have poor sulfur intake even when we eat enough eggs) and its myriad of positive effects. Obligatory beyond belief for vaccinated and Long Covid.
NAC also reduced the production of IgG4 and IgE by B cells.
Tryptophan is “tricky” not everyone needs it, the effects vary greatly between individuals, some do extremely well, and improve a lot, while others see minimal improvement. Start small. Most people with gut inflammation often do better than “healthy people”. It will also have a positive (great sometimes) effect on those suffering from dysbiosis. This suggestion is very up to your choice.
I prefer testing supplements for months before suggesting them, but a recent addition had such fast results that I will just add it as a recommendation. If you have cardiovascular symptoms (shortness of breath doing minimal effort, dizziness, etc), some neurological symptoms (brain fog, etc), some nervous system symptoms, leaky guy/dysbiosis, it will help, sometimes with remarkable improvement in a short period.
My mentor-friend and I often joke after a while as “Metformin being a magic bullet”, it hits almost every single pathway I have covered, it is an extremely effective immunomodulatory drug, and Berberine is a close to a perfect analog (meaning exact copy).
Long Covid, mRNA vaccinated should be either on Metformin or Berberine, LC now can get prescribed Metformin pretty easily, ask for Extended Release if you want to use it, it is much easier in the gut. You must take it for a few months. Other people can cycle either of these.
After working 10 hours straight into finishing this article, you always miss something, so this is an addition after publishing it. Metformin, and theoretically Berberine modulate IgG4 antibodies.
The next one is how to directly deal with persistent Spike Protein, and using the heavy hitters. These are short-term supplements unless your precise situation demands long-term usage, some people with autoimmune diseases do very well with continuous supplementation. Pricey, but effective.
First, the “protein dissolving” substances. I primarily prefer Serrapeptase over Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase because Serra is systemic, Natto often isn’t, and Lumbro is very potent but some don’t experience the expected improvement. You can use Serra and Natto at the same time but do not overdo it. My preferred and often most successful approach is slowly increasing the Serrapeptase dosage to really high, where it comes every other day. 500.000 IU and above high. Lumbrokinase has often its own (weird) measuring units, so the average dosage is 700.000 LU and above. All enzymes must be taken on an empty stomach.
Make absolutely sure they are enteric-coated, otherwise you are digesting your money, and not the “enzymes” digesting bad protein.
You can “stack” any of the enzymes early in the morning, with activated charcoal later in the afternoon, especially when fasting, for “compounding” cleansing (recommended by a subscriber)
If you asked yourself why I haven’t added Quercetin, it is because I much prefer its stronger cousin, Fisetin. Quercetin is awesome, you can add it in the place of any other suggestion in the previous section. Fisetin similar to Metformin, Vitamin D, and Melatonin is powerful, it will “hit” many pathways. Two ways to use it.
Daily, longer-term → 100 mg will suffice
The Radical Approach → daily, shorter-term → 300 mg to 500 mg
Fucoidan has been a mainstay and a suggestion since early 2020, similar to serrapeptase, and melatonin, but I regard it as a Last Resort, “Break Glass in case of emergencies”. Real fucoidan is often pricey, above 100 USD, with some of the best Fucoidan being produced only by a few labs in Japan. But it is incredibly potent.
Similar to Fisetin, you can either go low and long-term, or high. There is no cap on long-term high intake of Fucoidan, but it gets so expensive I prefer other options if that is the case.
Many of the supplements in this list directly or indirectly help your body deal with misfolded proteins and persistent fragments of various origins, this is why I didn’t bother to mention this aspect because there are too many to cite.
The one below is optional or situational. It is very dependent on very specific cases.
If even while using many of the suggestions, you are still dealing with latent viruses reactivation, you are an outlier, and adding Lysine + Arginine (add effervescent Vitamin C 500 mg) can help drive your immune cells across the road and get the win, putting the annoying buggers back into latency.
Glutamine is very specific. It is amazing for gut health, fixing a leaky gut, fueling many of your immune cells, but certain cancer types can shift their metabolism and sequester (steal) that glutamine to grow. If at any point you have a suspicion of cancer, skip this one. For “leaky gut” you will need Glutamine supplementation for an extended period, such as months.
Peptides are the last resort, only because they have become really expensive. If you have the resources to just spend hundreds of dollars, just take them at first, and supplement afterward. 9 out of 10 times, it either fixes or brings people’s bodies to a level where supplementation will finish the healing process.
Most of the peptides were recently banned by the damn FDA, so prices may be higher, wait for sales, many of the biggest vendors often have 30% off sales, which softens the hit on your wallet. Becoming post-human is a joking title quoting one of my favorite games, Crysis 2.
Before ending this article, there are two additions worth consideration for anyone facing continuous sickness, Long Covid or vaccine injury. First, Nicotine, some LC or injured people have great success with Nicotine, but a portion experiences a decline after 4-6 weeks, it is still great for you, but you just need other supplements to deal with whatever is continuously inducing low-grade inflammation.
The other I have little experience, it is on my “to-do list”, Methylene Blue, and once again, numerous social media people suffering from different long-term illnesses are experiencing great improvement with MB by itself, or together with other supplements.
At some point down the line I may add things and in a rare case, edit this article, otherwise, I will just often refer to it as “substance X aids in the pathway discussed here”. The schedule for the following articles:
- My focus for now will be the “One Protein to rule them all” which I will do my best to simplify the sheer complexity, given that I could easily tag 160+ of my articles on it
- In the meantime I may publish shorter or simplified articles, especially one about viral persistence, and if time allows my short story, or just cover simpler subjects
Your support is both greatly appreciated and welcomed.