Global Health Security and Climate Emergency


There are certain subjects I and an untold number of others have been following since the 2020 debacle. An inflection point in our history if I say so myself. This is one of them.


France's new mRNA "Criticism" bill


For quite a while I have kept a close eye and notes on how the atrocious supra sovereign WHO treaty negotiations were going, and for the most part (the good news), it has been faltering as one could expect. It is not politically expedient, but rather costly to accept the treaty, you are giving power to a non-governmental organization, ignoring any constitutional rights in your country, at the cost of losing at the very least 50% of your voter base. The cost of imposing the treaty on your citizens is cementing your entire political party to lose the next 2 election cycles.

The usual “healthcare” suspects were hard at work here, attempting to nudge parts of the population into either accepting, or forcing politicians into accepting with the feign of “no, your voters actually want a repeat of 2020, but worse”. But Power and tyrants care little about letting its influence go, and they were awfully quiet lately… Source for the document.

While everyone was paying attention to something else or someone else, the Biden administration published the document above. These documents outline policy that will be pursued or rather, in this case, enforced. The document is not a suggestion, it is a roadmap all organizations involved should follow. I advise you to read the entire document, it is not extensive, but it is boring, as these documents often are.

The entire document has DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) inserted all over, it is one of its core components, but others will most likely dissect or pay attention to this specific aspect, my focus will be elsewhere.

Language is powerful, and syntax is powerful, so the choice of words in many sections is rather telling, such as here. “Accident or deliberate” disease, anywhere in the world. Another word that you will find almost 20 times in this document is “stakeholder” a term popularized and inserted in the policy-maker world by our friends at WEF and forced into companies by the major players such as Vanguard, BlackRock, and others. The entire document has a WEF-esque flair to it.

Pandemic Accord is another name for the WHO Treaty

What the document attempts to make into global policy is rather simple. The Pandemic Preparedness and Response as an entire new global business model. The document also outlines using Non-governmental Engagements as a means to achieve “whole-of-society” changes, this will be very important shortly, and also it is the main tool for organizations such as the WEF to enact policy change by powerful people.

The entire proposed funding structure is not uncommon, but it replicates the 2020 string of mistakes, from both a commercial perspective as well as a “healthcare one”. The document cites the WHO “Infection Prevention and Control” as its base for enacting societal change and the document proposed strategies if the needs arise.

Among the many IPC Core Components from the WHO, one most will be familiar with is Large-scale physical distancing measures and movement restrictions, colloquially named “Lockdowns”. It proposes using the entire government and many, many agencies to support each and every single step necessary for “global health”, and when I say many, I mean it, since even the DoD is named more than once. It also names the CDC, the NIH, and the FDA.

In the FDA section, it says in clear terms “including through emergency use mechanisms of investigational medical countermeasures, such as under an Investigational New Drug and Emergency Use Authorization”. The same mechanism that enabled the mass usage of poorly designed, contaminated, atrocious safety profile mRNA, globally, while keeping the pharmaceutical companies free from any legal burden. (The mRNA vaccines are now orders of magnitude cleaner than before, not that it matters anyway, it is the tech that is the problem itself).

It also names roles for the Department of Interior, Agriculture, Transportation, Homeland Security, RPA, FBI, and DFC… so far it sounds awfully supra…national… it sounds awfully like the WHO treaty, without the WHO, circumventing all the political theater necessary for global adoption of the “accord”. I would also like to emphasize the Dementia Czar’s foresight on what entails predicting the next pandemic.

Why the Influenza section matters to me, is not because my probabilistic analysis leads me to believe an Influenza pandemic is most likely the next one, but because this is exactly what they are now pushing. They recently found “Avian flu fragments” in pasteurized milk. The same scientists that pushed the “Not a lab leak” narrative are now all up in arms behind “This is the next big one”, this narrative has been push pretty hard, and there are already vaccines ready to be deployed.

I won’t even bother asking how vaccines for a novel zoonotic virus, that is not adapted to humans yet and mutates at an abnormal rate are already ready. How the hell do your algorithms and Machine Learning predict something that has insufficient data ? Magic, I guess. Bad enough as it is, it gets worse.

No bigger excrement has been pushed as global policy change other than Climate “anything”. And when you search for the word Climate inside the document, you get 28 results. Here is one excerpt.

The Ebola outbreaks, COVID19 pandemic, HIV/AIDS pandemic, and manifold climate-related health emergencies have demonstrated the profound adverse economic, social, and health impacts on marginalized and underserved populations.

Two-fold problems here. The Biden administration has been quite literally hard on the climate agenda since day 1, with policy choices that made life worse and more expensive for everyone (until the Dementia Czar decided to drain the Strategic Oil Reserve to tamper the declining approval rate). The Biden Administration now is thinking of invoking Climate Emergency powers.

Under the current agreements and legislation, declaring a Climate Emergency would “merely” impact fuel prices, cascading into more inflationary pressure, but under the Global Health Security paradigm, it could easily give broad decision and policy-making powers, bypassing many legal mechanisms to keep power in check. And while reading this document my mind kept “Wait a minute, why does this sound familiar ? I have read these terms and language before somewhere else…not the WEF…hmmm”. I remember the WHO and the European Union coming together in 2022 to launch a program with a similar name, Global Health Strategy, when they started proposing vaccine passports and other lunatic measures… but I think it goes back longer. Maybe the John Hopkins program citing the Global Health Security Index ? No… longer than that.

A quick Google search with the name Global Health will give you the answer.

Oh yeah, it was Bill Gates using numerous of his “foundations” and NGOs as a front to enact policy change, in a similar vein to what the WEF does, and incidentally, they share many goals now. The GHS is entirely a Gates creation, and heavily “influenced” by the many heads of his foundational hydra. Another spark goes through the synapses… where did I read about all these players, coming together in one big exercise in unity ?

In case you are still in doubt about how large the Climate Change geopolitical tomfoolery is, the Taliban joins in Climate Change talks for the first time. One point of divergence between me and many others is the fact I look down upon Think Tank types and folks, and here is a primary example on why. They are incapable of actively learning, they poorly adapt and iterate into the same things over and over and over again. Now they will just add Climate to the mix.

I am not very fond of many things Jordan Peterson says, but one in particular I am, and stuck with me. When he explained that tyrants and tyranny progress millimeter by millimeter. They already took miles in 2020, and ever since it has been an inch-by-inch incremental power grab. The fact they barely changed the strategy means a lot of opening to creative disruption exist.

They will keep pushing millimeter by millimeter. Recently a video surfaced of our dear friend Bill saying he has entire teams tracking down what anyone says about him and creating something akin to a “threat risk assessment” based on social media posts… I guess I am on another list. Hooray !

As a additional side note, I wonder if what entails to be the participants and causative agents of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic are up to lately ? Our friends at EcoHealth.

It is indeed a big club. But sadly, none of us are in it.

I am grateful for your support !!!

If I find time to finish my short (it is really short) story I may publish, in the mean time I work on the simplified stack.

AI images are cool, but quality has been declining lately… hum…

Further Reading