Ghazali and Huxley
Imam al Ghazali would've been absolutely terrified to read about Huxley's dystopia Brave New World, more so than Orwell's 1984. I think the 'soma' and hypnopaedia and what these things represent in terms of the way addiction to worldly status, pleasure, desire can become anaesthetic agents to subjugate human beings would have terrified any of the Islamic authors within the tasawwuf tradition. Brave New World's dystopia is achieved through 'anti-tasawwuf' so to speak. Everything the Islamic sages and scholars caution against Is exponentially practised on a mass social scale. Why ban the Quran when the heart is conditioned to no longer even want to pick it up or read it? Trivial pursuit, pleasure, irrelevance in the long run are more chilling forms of crushing faith perhaps