Dawah Inc
If Ahmed Deedat knew that his career would set up a chain reaction of events that would lead to Dawah Inc. I'm convinced that the poor soul would have instead broken his mic & retired to the mountains - the curse of unintended consequences. I think part of the reason Dawah Inc. has become this sprawling unregulated, unchecked mega-industry of grifters and wolves in sheep's clothing types is because of the maximalist (to borrow Soroush's term) expectations around dawah.
Dawah has become this catch all term that ultimately has become nebulous and vague, it can mean anything to anyone and because of that chaotic elasticity can be abused in a myriad of ways. Dawah Inc. is now plugged into the Alogorithm and like any other enterprise plugged in it is bound by the constraints of the attention-economy which clashes against the Muhammadan impulses of self-effacing modesty, discretion, privacy and anonymous virtue.
However, going back to Ahmed Deedat such is the curse of the technological age that one's project is never truly one's own - no longer bound or guarded by having a modicum of deep literacy and comprehension, slowed down by physical pages and the leather of bound books.
Now everything travels along the information highway at the speed of light, directly fed into the hearts and minds of corrupted souls who can do with our intellectual output as they see fit - to use it as raw material for mass exploitation.
The tiktokification of Islam where outrageous statements clipped down even further for maximal attention-bombing until our synapses are overwhelmed by shock is going to lead to a generation where other deeper Islamic disciplines such as tafsir, kalam, tasawwuf etc are dissolved